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Install Ubuntu in distrobox
Install Docker first: # Add Docker's official GPG key: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get instal...
Raw to JPG
ufraw-batch --out-type jpeg *
Convert PNG to Icon
first convert to 256 convert input.png -resize 256x256 output.png last convert to icns png2icn...
PDF to one image
convert in.pdf +append out%d.png sudo apt install imagemagick If convert is broken, update po...
Retime track in nuke
Retiming a curve There are many retiming options in Nuke but how do you retime tracking data or ...
Hardware encoding
Intel example command: ffmpeg -hwaccel vaapi -hwaccel_output_format vaapi -vaapi_device /dev/dri...
Transforms and Junk
1. transforms to attribute matrix: p@orient = quaternion(3@transform); v@scale = cracktransform...
divide points into 3 equal parts: i@part = floor(fit(rand(@ptnum+.258), 0, 1, 0, 2.9)); poin...
Convert entire folder
for i in *.mov; do name=`echo "$i" | cut -d'.' -f1` echo "$name" ffmpeg -i "$i" "${name}...
Web Convert
OGV: in_old = "path_to_vid.mp4" in_new = ${in_old%.*}.ogv ffmpeg -i $in_old -codec:v libtheora...
If then statements
If the pscale is greater than .4 then set it to .2, if not set it to its current pscale @pscale ...
Top Node AutoWrite
if you need your output file named exactly like your input file then use a little TCL expression ...
Camera Stuff
auto focus, get distance from object and camera: vlength(vtorigin(“/obj/geo1”, “/obj/cam1”))
Center Crop for Instagram: ffmpeg -i ParticleSensor.mp4 -vf "scale=(iw*sar)*max(1080/(iw*sar)\,1...
Random Python
Get the file path from selected nodes: sel=nuke.selectedNodes() for x in sel: print(x.knob("f...
Python - import all image sequences under folder
"""Finds and creates nodes for file sequences in an entire directory tree""" # This has the user...
TCL Commands
GETTING A KNOB’S VALUE OF A SPECIFIC NODE: #First frame of current read/write: [value Read1.f...